Ticket to dreamland

Your one-way ticket to Dreamland. But no worries, something is going to pull you bak to the real world.

A cup of milk

A cup of warm milk is the solution if you are in the middle of a cold and gloomy night.

Bedtime stories

Reading is know to be an efficient way to fall asleep, so pick a bedtime story and enter on the next journey to Dreamland.

Soft song playlist

A playlist of soft songs made especially to calm the Nightmares are one of the most eficient ways to quickly call the sheeps and get your one-way ticket to Dreamland.

Get some grass

The sheeps go to Dreamland every night, so following them will not only get you a ticket to Dreamland, but also lead you to sweetest dreams. So prepare some grass and plants to attract the sheeps, for this is the most certain way to a good night sleep.

The Lullaby to Nighmare

Lullabies to Nighmare is the theme of the album with the same title, and it’s pretty much auto descriptive. It’s an album of songs written for Nightmare, to make him fall asleep. The tracks have an overall calm tone, for they are lullabies, but the lyrics and the message behind the tracks contrasts with the sweet tone of the melody. The Nightmare, as it is, likes to perturb those having a good night sleep, and by playing these tunes, the Nightmare presumes you are having a bad night, so he will fall asleep relaxed, knowing his job is done and he can be in his own peaceful nightmare.

Listen to some Lullabies to Nightmare, and fall asleep with the sweetest dreams, without the interruption of the Nightmare.

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